Thursday, July 26, 2012

Accounting is Hard

I got out of my second Accounting test Friday and I felt a little something like this:

Although, I'd gladly take a face full of sand and saltwater over a failed exam any day. I get frustrated with the class because I tend to second guess myself in taking it; however, every time that thought enters my mind, I receive a calming sensation that reassures me that this is the path which my Heavenly Father would have me take. I found a quote the other day which supports me and raises me up on those days I really struggle:

"With any major decision there are cautions and considerations to make, but once there has been illumination, beware the temptation to retreat from a good thing. If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted it and lived for it, it is right now. Don’t give up when the pressure mounts. Certainly don’t give in to that being who is bent on the destruction of your happiness. Face your doubts. Master your fears. “Cast not away therefore your confidence.” Stay the course and see the beauty of life unfold for you." -Elder Jeffery R. Holland, March 2, 1999 BYU Devotional

It's kind of crazy to think that only 4 or so months ago I wasn't even considering changing my dance minor, yet, here I am, struggling through accounting trying to figure out if you debit truck and credit cash or credit cash and debit inventory. I have faith that this is right thing for me to do, and I pray that I'l see the good in this decision in the end.

Overall, I'm finding the class incredibly interesting. I wasn't aware of how many different ways there were to go about accounting for the sales and financing of a company. We've gone through two or three processes now to figure out how to reach a certain result, and all processes spat out a different number. My mind was blown.

At the same time, I was scared. It's dumbfounding to think that accountants can make any business look good to its investors. It's no surprise to me now that we've fallen into recession and economic crisis. We've done a couple of case studies where the examples inclue businesses that failed because of their lack of trustworthy transactions. It's even more scary when a CPA firm, which is responsible for auditing those businesses, gets closed down as well because of their inability to follow the set standards.

This all goes to show me that the world is slowly going down hill. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have of a loving Father in Heaven. I know that where man might fail, he is there to life me up. He taught us principles of honesty and charity, and it's sad to see that we have forgotten those basic morals.

I hope that I never fall victim to the pressures that drive men and women to break their moral code. I'm grateful for my parents who raised me in a God fearing (and God loving) home.

On a lighter note, my brother comes out to Utah in 6 days!

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