Wednesday, October 6, 2010


They say that roommates will make or break your college experience. I am a walking example of this.

My roommates in Idaho were nice, but we just didn't click. We didn't really have anything in common and our opinions and thought processes were just different. This contributed to me not liking my time in Idaho. Granted, occasionally we'd get along really well and have a freaking fantastic time, but usually we were just co-existing. They got along great, I just inhabited the empty space left over.

Amanda Ashton, however, got along great with me. I really liked her, but she left about a week and a half into the summer term to become Mrs. Amanda Fry.

Anyways, here in Provo, I have three roommates: Iris, Leilani, and Lizzy. They're all great, and I am really enjoying my time here! Here's a little bit about each of them.


Iris is from Chicago, IL. She graduated from DePaul, and then moved out here with her long term boyfriend Nicholas [he's cool]. Her and Nick are both from Chicago, and they have been dating since January [they're way cute together]. Iris works for a cupcake company that does cupcakes for special events, mainly weddings. She works from home, so we usually talk a lot. Iris is super nice and will often give me rides to my job interviews, and important places so I don't have to walk there. She likes the color yellow, cooking, running, shopping, winning at Catch Phrase, and being possessive.

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Iris:


Leilani is Hawaiin, and graduated from BYU with a degree in Biology. She works at a law firm down the street and is hoping on going to Law School here at BYU. She's dating Kofi [who's really cool too] who works up at the MTC. Like Nick, Kofi's over here a lot, so I've developed some friendships with my roommates and their other halves. Leilani likes dark colored clothing, high heels, painting, operas, and sexy dances [actually, all three of us like that last one].

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Leilani:


I don't really know a lot about Lizzy. What I do know is that she's majoring in Elementary Education and that she's gone most of the time at her internship. When she's not there, she's either locked in her room [literally] or out with her friends.

What Nick says about Iris (and visa versa):

What's Iris's favorite food?
Nick: Tortillas del Guero con carnitas
Iris: Yeah... pretty much.

What's Iris's favorite past time?
Nick: ... Shopping.
Iris: Ditto...
Nick: Does that even work?

What's Nick's favorite car?
Iris: He doesn't care about cars.
Nick: What I have a favorite car!
Iris: No you don't. Okay, maybe the Honda Pilot.
Nick: What? No, we talk about this all the time.
Iris: We have not established a favorite car.
Nick: It's the Jeep Wrangler!
Iris: Fine, a four-door Jeep Wrangler.

What's Nick's least favorite thing to do?
Iris: Sit at a Mall.
Nick: Good job.

I did this all while Nick, Iris and I were sitting out in our living room at like 1:00 am, listening to Nick study for Chemistry. Fascinating.

Actually, it's kind of fun to sit here and listen to the two of them. It's really sweet.

Well, I should probably go now. It's getting late and my body's screaming at me. I shouldn't have taken that three hour nap today. I think I'm going to end up getting back into my mid-day nap habit. I finally broke it after I moved down here to Provo, but I figured it wouldn't last long seeing as I don't really have anything to do all day.

Hopefully not for long.


What a week!

Boy, I have really been slacking on this blog. I apologize for my lack of updates, and I promise to take more pictures and post more about my time in Provo.

This last week has been very hectic. I've been beating down the doors of local businesses and restaurants looking for a job, only to be turned down again and again and again and again and... you get the picture. I have to admit that this has been quite the downer, especially when two of my friends got jobs on their first try, but after many a pep talk from my beloved mother, I'm back on the streets, and now on the internet.

Last week it seemed that everything that could go wrong did. I fought a lot with people that really didn't deserve my anger, and people that did. I was relentlessly pestering people for something to do, and it resulted in me spending a good portion of the weekend alone.

Conference was great, as always, but having no one to watch it with on Sunday was not. Saturday, Claire came over and we watched it while we did her clothing. I got pretty sick that day, but still decided to go visit Marie Christensen that night at her party. It was really nice to see her. She's such a stinking sweetheart, and I cannot be grateful enough to have met her.

Speaking of Christensen, Marcus came to Provo!!! For those of you who are like 'Marcus who?', he was an Elder that served in my ward for about six months earlier this year. He has to be one of the coolest Elders I have ever met in my life, and I knew that I would definitely be keeping in contact with him when he finally came off his mission.

Well, Monday night, we finally saw each other again! It was actually really funny. Neither of us had any money, so we decided on cooking dinner at home ( my cooking skills have gone through the roof since Idaho) around 5.

At about 3, I was walking back home from campus after making a withdrawal from my bank account, and as I headed down 700, towards University Ave, a very familiar car came speeding up the street. Anyone can spot Marie's car a mile away because of the giant billboard on top (kind of like a taxi sign), so I knew who it was in an instant, or I thought I did at least.

Lo and behold, as the car drew closer, I discovered that it wasn't Marie, but rather Marcus driving. I could do little about the fact that I spotted him, so I just stopped in my tracks and watched as he recognized me, pointed, and then continued to drive one. I Spun around and laughed as he hit the brakes five times before deciding it best to just keep going.

Three seconds later, I got a phone call and we laughed about the coincidence.

Finally, at five, he showed up and we were able to start dinner. We had to take two trips to Smith's (BECAUSE THEY DON'T BELIEVE IN PUBLIX OUT HERE) because I forgot three things the first time we went. My memory will never cease to amaze me.

After a wonderful dinner, we played Catch Phrase with my roommates.

Now, I need to explain our apartment's Catch Phrase obsession before I continue. Iris, Leilani, and their boyfriends began playing Catch Phrase about a month ago, and it quickly developed into a high stakes feud. Of course, being single, I was left to ref the game for the four of them. After a while, I got restless, and we decided that if I could find a legit Catch Phrase partner (or a boyfriend) that we could start playing guys against girls.

The coveted Catch Phrase Board

This turned in to a sort of audition phase for any boy that came over. No one could date me, or be friends with me, unless they were good at Catch Phrase (or at least that's what the guys said because he'd be playing on their team). The first guy I brought home failed, therefore I was forced to cut contact with him... just kidding. He just wasn't allowed to play the game anymore.

The second was Marcus. Now Marcus, regardless of his being a post-mission newbie, rocked the game, and helped the guys ALMOST win. Of course, they're nothing compared to the girls team. This resulted in the boys buying the girls ice cream... but Marcus has yet to do that, so, Marcus... if you're reading this, you still owe me ice cream.

After a long and totally awesome night, I went to bad much happier than I had been in a while.

The next day, I got a call from a daycare I applied to earlier last week. They wanted to interview me! So today, I went in for my interview, which went fantastic, and I was informed that I would come back on Monday and teach a lesson to a Pre-K class so they could see how I interact with the children. So, I planned my lesson today (it's on Chameleons) and I'll get the supplies later this week.

Right before my interview!

If all goes well on Monday, I'll be one of the new Pre-K TEACHERS at the daycare. That's right! I'll be a teacher!!! How awesome is that!? I'm praying hard for this opportunity! I thin it would be a wonderful addition to my resume.

Well, that's been this week so far. I'm still looking for a permanent Catch Phrase partner, that my roommates must approve. So far, Marcus is in the running, and he even earned his name on our scoreboard. Maybe one day, someone can get up on the board for good.

I'm in institute now, and my roommate Iris leaned over and typed you all a message.

'vbgfngfhgfmzrjyrgn xoxo iris'

Isn't she just a doll?

Alright, I hope everyone at home is doing well. I miss you all and love you very much! I can't wait to see every on in December!

Oh! I forgot! I get to go to Idaho in about a week and a half! I can't wait!!!

-xo Bailey