Friday, February 24, 2012


Those of you who know me well are aware of the fact that I have an adoration for puns. Doesn't matter how painfully lame they are, most likely you can get a hearty laugh out of me if you happen to tell me one (+10 if I haven't heard it yet, +15 if you can slip it into every day conversation). 

My roommate Sarah is dating this guy, Nat. He's pretty awesome. Now, one of Nat's and Katelin's, my other roommates, favorite things to do (probably not, but really) is listen to me go on and on about my puns. Usually they're laughing at me laughing at puns. 

Some of the ones I laugh the hardest at are:

What did one ocean say to the other?
Nothing. It just waved.
Do you sea what I did there?
I'm shore you did.

When kissing flowers, tulips are better than one.

He dropped a computer on his toes and had megahertz.

Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He’s all right now.

A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion

Let the groaning begin. I'm telling you, these puns just crack my up. Like full blown, snort worthy chortling that can last up to a full two minutes. 

Then, there's the history related puns. 

 It's obvious from it's title that no one was a big fan of the Boer wars.

 After WWII, German patrol boats, known as E-boats, were sold on none other than E-bay.

In Ancient Israel, once men pretending to be the Messiah were exposed as fakes and could no longer accept monetary donations, they're followers were considered a non-prophet organization.

These puns are clever. If you ever really want to win me over, slip these into any history related conversation, or just tell them to me. Chances are I'll be rolling on the floor with laughter in no time. 

I found these ones just after Valentines day. It's a shame I didn't see them sooner, although I may have found my Valentines for next year.

Have any good puns? Share them with me in the comments, text me, or find me and tell me in person. You know I'd love to hear them!

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