Sunday, February 5, 2012

New Years Resolution

Thriftiness- the 9th element of the boy scout chant. This word encapsulates the very theme by which I guide my life. Why throw something away when it can be recycled? Why buy something from Target that could easily be purchased from Honk's Dollar store? Why buy more than is necessary? I live off of the bare basics. Honestly, I see all of my Provinian friends living in lavish apartments costing them nearly $400 in rent each month when I am perfectly content with my Sierra Designs Zeta 3 tent. I feel empowered to live off of the land. Each week I go hunting up in the canyon (I requested a special hunting permit which was given to me on the basis of my looks). This permit enables me to hunt weekly for deer, bison, and the occasional turkey. While up in the canyon, I also collect a variety of berries, mushrooms, and grasses. Often, Claire, my best friend in the whole entire world, will tempt me with a trip to TJ's. Once or twice I have given in. However, each time I have surrendered to her charm, I have been shamed with guilt. I have committed this year, 2012, to never step foot in a filthy department store again. Some might call me complacent but I am merely thrifty. My compass, tent, and salt (this allows me to pack the meat for the winter) enable me to live a bare-bones life style. I am perfectly happy with this and feel no need to justify my style of living.

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