Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sometimes, it's like

I honestly don't know why I'm so bad at blogging. It's especially ridiculous since I now get a grade for it and will most likely fail due to my inability to maintain consistency in really anything in my life. 

Anyways, I guess I'm supposed to be writing for 8 minutes for my assignment. I think I just have a hard time coming up with a subject and feeling like what I say is of any importance to you people. I was reading my friend's blog, and I found myself becoming increasingly envious of his ability to write about  various stories in his life and just... stuff. I'm not good at writing about stuff. I'm also not good at writing about specific topics (why am I an English major again?). 

May it's not that I'm not good. Maybe it's just that I'm insecure. I think that's what it is because sometimes I can write the crap out of stuff. When I get in the zone it's like I'm set to auto pilot with no destination. I just keep going —and I have to wonder if I'm rambling and how many of you stop reading at points like this. I'm guilty of it, so I know you all do it. 

The whole point of this I guess, is to share with you some ideas I have, and more specifically a project I'm working on. 

I need some feedback. Please. I'm not asking, I'm begging. I want to know what my readers like and don't like about my writing. I want critique and maybe even a little praise. 

Secondly, I have an idea to start a blog specifically about my dating life. Okay, okay, before you get all weird about this, let me explain.

I've dated. A lot. I've been engaged, I've been in love, I've been heartbroken more times than I care to list (10+). I fel like I have some stuff to share here. What do you think? Some of you know my past dating life. Is this a good idea? I think I might try it soon... experiment. I'll keep you posted. 
(For those of you reading who may have participated in my romantic past, don't fret dear children, I will  change your names)

I think that's it for the night. It's been 8 minutes I do believe (this probably isn't the kind of writing you wanted Ann Dee... sorry). I'll keep you updated with any news on new ventures. For now, go read that other blog and tell me what you think so I can quit whining about it.


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