Sunday, March 25, 2012

"Colors are the smiles of nature" -Leigh Hunt

I got the chance to go to the Festival of Colors this year.... and I probably won't go again. Don't get me wrong, it was a ton of fun, but I can only swallow so much chalk in a life time. I had to run to work immediately after and found myself struggling with breathing. Probably not a good sign.

However, I did have a blast. After 2 failed attempts to go with other people, I finally found a group to go with, and I'm really glad I picked them. Some of you might recognize Trey from a post a while back (or probably not). He was in my ward last year when I lived at UAC. I went with him and some people in UAC's current ward that I had never met. They were all so sweet and a lot of fun and I'm glad I was able to meet new people and make new friends!

This was my favorite picture taken. Our faces... haha!

For those of you who have no idea what this is, no we did not paint ourselves (mom), but rather through poorly scented chalk at one another, thus.... painting each other. Some of you might be wondering why we would ever spend our time doing such a frivolous thing... well let me tell you... you can get a lot of frustration out this way. Throwing colors at friends and strangers is a much more positive venting system then maybe punching a hole in a wall or throwing dangerous objects across a room. 

All in all, it was worth my Saturday. 



I saw some ducks making this face and thought it'd look good on me too.

Duck Faces.

We're a cute group...

That face.

"It's okay to show all your colors"-Luis Guzman

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