Monday, April 18, 2011

Mission Possible

So, funny story. Remember Kim Possible, the teenage redheaded spy with the dim witted sidekick Ron? She had this cool little ring tone that went off whenever she had a new mission to go complete- it sounded something like


Well, I set my text message ring tone to the very same one so whenever I get a text message I feel like a spy [yeah, this is what my life has come to].

This morning, my friend in Florida decided to text me. I was deep in sleep when this occurred and my volume was all the way up to wake me when my alarm went off. When my notification sound went off [aka my spy alert], I sat straight up, confused at where I was and screamed out:

"Dangit what's the sitch! I don't have time for another mission!"

Yeah. I really yelled that. After a moment of silence and realizing what was going on, I became super embarrassed with myself and went back to sleep. I wonder what I was dreaming about....

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