Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wuthering Heights.

Although I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book, I must admit that many aspects of it drove me up the wall. I don’t know what it is about the narcissistic characters that drew me in, but I wasn’t able to put the book down. I found myself turning page after page late into the night, and pondering on the events in my free time during the day.

With most of the story being told from the point of view of the house keeper, Nelly (she relays the lover’s story to the new owner of Thrushcross Grange, Mr Lockwood), the reader never really gets an in depth look into the character’s minds.

This left me with many questions. What was Heathcliff’s driving force behind his deeds? Why was Catharine so selfish? Did she really love Edgar? How would Edgar Linton remain with Catharine for so long? How could he forgive her? Why were children so selfish and spoiled back then?

Most of these are answered in the end, when the story comes together and the mistakes of the parents are forgotten by the children. Only the happy ending makes up for the puerile behavior of half the characters throughout the book.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a good love story. The language is a bit hard to understand in parts, as some parts of the dialect is written in heavy accents, and their verbiage is a little old-faashioned; but it is a very agreeable book, and I would delight in reading it a second time.

-xo bailey