"And now, because I am a Lamanite, and have spoken unto you the words which the Lord hath commanded me, and because it was hard against you, ye are angry with me and do seek to destroy me, and have cast me out from among you." (Helaman 14:10)and calling out the Nephite people for hating him for speaking plainly. My teacher turned to us then and told us that his boss always told him that "Prophets comfort the irritable and irritate the comfortable".
The Quote really struck me and I felt impressed to share it with you guys, along with some thoughts and feelings I had about it. I've noticed in my life that during my "times of ease" when I tend to forget the Lord and become prideful, I find it hard to listen to the prophets words and take them to heart. It is when I am most comfortable and complacent that I need direction and chastisement the most.
During General Conference this year I really found myself having a great desire to listen and learn and find redirection in my life. I find it interesting that I had this desire [a desire I've never had this strongly before] during my time of greatest irritation and sorrow.
I personally believe this quote to be true and I think it applies to more than just spiritual matters. We need to watch out the most [in our relationships, in our jobs, etc] when we are the most comfortable because that's when we tend to make the biggest mistakes.
I'm hoping that I can make it a goal to become less complacent and strive harder to recognize the Lord's hand in my life and strive to really be a better person. I have a lot of priorities I need to get straight and I'm hoping that this is the year I finally do that.
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