Well, I set my text message ring tone to the very same one so whenever I get a text message I feel like a spy [yeah, this is what my life has come to].
This morning, my friend in Florida decided to text me. I was deep in sleep when this occurred and my volume was all the way up to wake me when my alarm went off. When my notification sound went off [aka my spy alert], I sat straight up, confused at where I was and screamed out:
"Dangit what's the sitch! I don't have time for another mission!"
Yeah. I really yelled that. After a moment of silence and realizing what was going on, I became super embarrassed with myself and went back to sleep. I wonder what I was dreaming about....

This morning, my friend in Florida decided to text me. I was deep in sleep when this occurred and my volume was all the way up to wake me when my alarm went off. When my notification sound went off [aka my spy alert], I sat straight up, confused at where I was and screamed out:
"Dangit what's the sitch! I don't have time for another mission!"
Yeah. I really yelled that. After a moment of silence and realizing what was going on, I became super embarrassed with myself and went back to sleep. I wonder what I was dreaming about....
