First off, I went tubing in February with Kellee, Claire, and Claire's friend David. It was scary! You put me, on a tube, going like a bazillion miles an hour down and icy hill in the dark. Not to mention that Kellee and I didn't bring really warm clothing (my fault on that one there...).
We met a couple cool people and got car sick along the way, but overall it was a fun night. I think it was really good for me to get out of the house and be with friends. These past couple of months have been particularly hard for me for many reasons:
1. School is hard.
Although, I have to say that I'm doing pretty good for my first time taking 15 credits in a semester [one being an honors class]. I'm maintaining mostly B's [I could do better, I know] and one A [but that will change because I failed the exam... literally]. Yeah, I failed my first exam. It sucked too because I studied so hard for it. I read up on all the theorists and what they believed: Fish, Dasenbrock, Vendler, Graff, Smith, Rabenowitz, Herrnstein Smith, Barthes, Brooks, Booth, Eagleton! I knew which ones wanted 'the death of the author' and who believed that authors really weren't all that bad! I knew that Eagleton was kind of a Marxist [and I knew what a Marxists was] and that Fish kind of pissed me off. I knew poetry terms and how to count rhythm, but for some reason, when I sat down and looked at the 5 pages of essay questions and then up at the clock [I only had 50 minutes], I kind of forgot everything....
Sometimes life sucks...
Sometimes life sucks...
2. Break-ups are hard.
This one speaks for itself. You really really really like someone and really think that for once something might work out in your favor, and then it just doesn't. And then you deal with mixed emotions and comfort zones and attempts at not talking to each other [all 5 which fail]. In the end you come out, awkwardly placed in each others 'friend zones', pretending you don't feel anything. I'll get over it... I'm getting over it. It just takes time... time.... TIME.
3. Having a social life is hard.
I find myself on friday nights eating popcorn and watching really crappy reality TV shows [like 'America's Most Smartest Model']. It's like I can't make any friends outside of Claire, Alice and my ex. I mean come-on Bailey, pull yourself together! Where's that charming girl you know! Where's that girl that would walk up to anyone and make friends instantly! Where's the bubbly, happy, beautiful girl!? Oh... she's over there on the couch with a bowl of Orville's and a bottle of Gatorade watching re-runs of 'FRIENDS' and 'America's Next Top Model'. Get a life.
4. Getting dates is really hard.
4. Getting dates is really hard.
Because I'm too busy sitting on the couch. Just Kidding. But in all reality, I don't know how Claire does it. She has AT LEAST 2 dates a week. This is no exaggeration. Serious. I mean... do boys know that I watch re-runs of poorly made TV shows? Is one of them spreading it around? No, I just happen to live in a complex of 20 somethings who have no interest in having fun... at least with me. Maybe I'm putting off a vibe... probably. I need to work on that.
Overall though, I can't complain. I really like a quote my Marriage and Family Professor always says:
I love my new roommate Kellee. We have so much fun together. Sometimes we get really bored and drive to Walmart singing N*SYNC and Backstreet Boys at the top of our lungs, and sometimes we dance around the apartment.
Sometimes.... we make chin videos.
I'm glad she's my age though. She goes to Acaydia, just down the street from here and knows a lot about skin... and likes to curl my hair. I still hang out a lot with Claire [like every freaking day] and Marcus. Yeah, I know, it's probably not a good thing, but I'm going to be honest here. He's my best friend. I have a good time with him. He makes me happy- dating or no dating. Period. So I'm not going to deprive myself from having a good time and being myself.

I'll post more on some other prevalent things that have been happening in my life here in a tid bit. Right now, I need to get up and walk around my apartment. My back is killing me.
Overall though, I can't complain. I really like a quote my Marriage and Family Professor always says:
"Life is hard, but you can do hard things"
-Dr. Hill
-Dr. Hill
I love my new roommate Kellee. We have so much fun together. Sometimes we get really bored and drive to Walmart singing N*SYNC and Backstreet Boys at the top of our lungs, and sometimes we dance around the apartment.
Sometimes.... we make chin videos.
I'm glad she's my age though. She goes to Acaydia, just down the street from here and knows a lot about skin... and likes to curl my hair. I still hang out a lot with Claire [like every freaking day] and Marcus. Yeah, I know, it's probably not a good thing, but I'm going to be honest here. He's my best friend. I have a good time with him. He makes me happy- dating or no dating. Period. So I'm not going to deprive myself from having a good time and being myself.

I'll post more on some other prevalent things that have been happening in my life here in a tid bit. Right now, I need to get up and walk around my apartment. My back is killing me.
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