They say that roommates will make or break your college experience. I am a walking example of this.
My roommates in Idaho were nice, but we just didn't click. We didn't really have anything in common and our opinions and thought processes were just different. This contributed to me not liking my time in Idaho. Granted, occasionally we'd get along really well and have a freaking fantastic time, but usually we were just co-existing. They got along great, I just inhabited the empty space left over.
Amanda Ashton, however, got along great with me. I really liked her, but she left about a week and a half into the summer term to become Mrs. Amanda Fry.
Anyways, here in Provo, I have three roommates: Iris, Leilani, and Lizzy. They're all great, and I am really enjoying my time here! Here's a little bit about each of them.
Iris is from Chicago, IL. She graduated from DePaul, and then moved out here with her long term boyfriend Nicholas [he's cool]. Her and Nick are both from Chicago, and they have been dating since January [they're way cute together]. Iris works for a cupcake company that does cupcakes for special events, mainly weddings. She works from home, so we usually talk a lot. Iris is super nice and will often give me rides to my job interviews, and important places so I don't have to walk there. She likes the color yellow, cooking, running, shopping, winning at Catch Phrase, and being possessive.
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Iris:
Leilani is Hawaiin, and graduated from BYU with a degree in Biology. She works at a law firm down the street and is hoping on going to Law School here at BYU. She's dating Kofi [who's really cool too] who works up at the MTC. Like Nick, Kofi's over here a lot, so I've developed some friendships with my roommates and their other halves. Leilani likes dark colored clothing, high heels, painting, operas, and sexy dances [actually, all three of us like that last one].
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Leilani:

I don't really know a lot about Lizzy. What I do know is that she's majoring in Elementary Education and that she's gone most of the time at her internship. When she's not there, she's either locked in her room [literally] or out with her friends.
What Nick says about Iris (and visa versa):
What's Iris's favorite food?
Nick: Tortillas del Guero con carnitas
Iris: Yeah... pretty much.
What's Iris's favorite past time?
Nick: ... Shopping.
Iris: Ditto...
Nick: Does that even work?
What's Nick's favorite car?
Iris: He doesn't care about cars.
Nick: What I have a favorite car!
Iris: No you don't. Okay, maybe the Honda Pilot.
Nick: What? No, we talk about this all the time.
Iris: We have not established a favorite car.
Nick: It's the Jeep Wrangler!
Iris: Fine, a four-door Jeep Wrangler.
What's Nick's least favorite thing to do?
Iris: Sit at a Mall.
Nick: Good job.
I did this all while Nick, Iris and I were sitting out in our living room at like 1:00 am, listening to Nick study for Chemistry. Fascinating.
Actually, it's kind of fun to sit here and listen to the two of them. It's really sweet.
Well, I should probably go now. It's getting late and my body's screaming at me. I shouldn't have taken that three hour nap today. I think I'm going to end up getting back into my mid-day nap habit. I finally broke it after I moved down here to Provo, but I figured it wouldn't last long seeing as I don't really have anything to do all day.
Hopefully not for long.
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