His name is Christian McCall, and he's pretty cool. We met through Marie Christensen and ended up hanging out a few times. I thinkI mentioned him in an earlier post.

Anyways, Cristian and I are really good at a few things:
1. Talking. You can't shut us up.
2. Arcade games. 1,262 tickets in under an hour.
3. Finding car crashes.
4. Country dancing.
5. Cooking.
6. Eating.
So, here's the story.
I went to Nickel City with a few friends on Friday night, and invited him to come along since we were short on people and he's a pretty cool guy {like I said}. So, he came and we owned everyone at the games, and took home some stuff that I'm going to send out to my sister, Sophia. Well, neither of us had eaten so we decided to go to dinner, and invited everyone to come with us. No one wanted to because they had previous plans, so we went alone and made it a date. Chili's was fun {we enjoyed harassing the waiter} and then we went up to the top of some mountain because I had never seen the city from up there a night. After an hour or so of spotting all the police lights in the city, we decided we should go home.
On our way down the mountain, the car in front of us came to a stop a little ways down the road. Confused, we slowed down, and, to our surprise, found a Ford Mustang flipped completely over on the side of the road. It was messed up, and we were sure there would be no survivors. We jumped out of the car and Christian talked with the people in the car in front of us while I called 911 {Mind you, I sounded like a COMPLETE idiot on the phone with them because I had NO idea where we were}. As I did my best to help the dispatcher out, the others looked into the car and called out for any survivors {just incase}. No one was in the car!! We figured they had been ejected and began to search the surrounding woods. Nothing!
Finally, the other car decided to go down the road and see if, by some miracle, the driver and passenger were walking for help. They left us with one of their passengers who could perform CPR, and took off.
Not fifteen minutes later, they came back, followed by a cop car. Turns out the driver was fine {not a scratch on him!} and that he was the only one in the car. With the cop's permission, we left and headed home.
How's that for a first date?
Saturday, I got my hair done by Marie {she did AWESOME} and really enjoyed myself. While I was going through the process, Claire texted me and said that she really needed a friend, so I decided I'd go over to her place when I was done.
When I got there, I found out that she was having some guy troubles and that one guy in particular was really persistent about hanging out with her, alone {yeah, he turned my invite to come along down. Jerk}. Normally, I'd be okay with this, but she had been out with this guy the previous night and had gotten really bad vibes from him. She was not interested in him at all, and was scared to hang out alone. So, we decided that we'd just make it a double date so she could hang out with him to make him happy, and still feel safe. So, I called Cristian up and ran it by him and soon enough we were at my house deciding what to do.
After so negotiation, we chose to make dinner and some fun drinks. Jeff was still on his way, so we just planned the menu without him, figuring it'd be okay. Once he got to my place, we ran the food choices by him {Salad, Pasta with some homemade sauce, and a pastry dessert} he okayed them and we went to the grocery store.
While grabbing the items on our list, we noticed Jeff wasn't very enthusiastic about anything, and was constantly returning without the stuff we asked him to grab. Cristian and I knew something was up, and as soon we found Claire and Jeff, we discovered what it was.
Apparently, Jeff is 'lactose intolerant' {but he failed to mentioned that when we told him the menu}. So, he persuaded Claire into leaving Christian and I and going out to 5 Guys with just him. I was mad. I knew she didn't want to hang out with him alone, but she also didn't want to say 'no' a fifth time {earlier that day she told him 'no' many times, but he was very persistent}.
So, they dropped us off at my house and christian and I were left to cook all this food for the two of us. Once again, it turned into a date.

Don't get me wrong, it was a ton of fun, but I was miffed that we spent all that time planning and shopping for food to get ditched. The food was great though, and I had fun talking and getting to know my new friend better.
I learned that Christian:
1. Likes the color blue
2. Is loud like me!
3. Mountain Bikes
4. Long Boards
5. Is 2nd out of 4
6. Has a nephew

So, after dinner and dessert, we put in 'She's the Man'. About halfway through it, Claire returned to my house alone {she was doing laundry here} and relayed her night to us. It went exactly how I thought it would.
They went to 5 Guys where two of Jeff's friends joined them. She spent most of the night getting hit on by all three of them, and when she protested to go home after dinner, it was suggested that they could make her stay if they wanted to {she didn't drive, he did}. They boys wanted to get her this drink {which is pretty much like liquid marijuana} and make her 'relaxed'. Luckily she got them to take her to my place before they could make and irrational decisions.
No more Jeff for Claire.
That pretty much scared her enough to ignore his pursuits for good. She ended up staying and finishing the movie with us before I sent them both off for the night.
I'm really enjoying Provo, and hoping and praying that I get a job. The search is proving futile, but I'm trying not to give up. I know the Lord will bless me for my efforts.
I miss everyone in Florida so much and I can't wait to see them in December {I come home the 12th}!
Bailey--you are an extraordinary girl and I hope Claire gets some wisdom from you---Follow that still, small voice AT ALL TIMES!
ReplyDeleteJeff- Loser {good for Clair for dumping that maniac...you should make him eat a bowl of cereal}
ReplyDeleteChristian- sounds like a nice boy there Bails. Points for you. Xoxo
Haha, sometimes I'm the one who needs the wisdom though. We try and watch out for each other at all times.
ReplyDeleteJeff is a loser. I'm glad she did too. Christian was a pretty cool kid until he wanted more than I did and stopped talking to me :/
Oh well, at least I have Claire. haha
Aww.. sorry baby, but good for you for following your heart. Besties are always the most dependable. Xo